Wednesday, 30 August 2017


Celebrate National Poetry Day in the Library

To celebrate National Poetry Day GSS Library held a poetry competition. Winners announced at the open mic day on Friday 1 September.Winners poems will be published on this blog. Watch this space.

Enid Blyton

Our School library has about 40 books written by Enid Blyton. Come in and check them out!!!
Enid Blyton Display

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Sunday, 13 August 2017

Hell Reading Challenge

The HELL Reading Challenge

Our school is signed up to the  HELL Reading Challenge. It  is a great way to get our students enjoying the pleasures of stories — with the bonus of free pizza rewards.
The HELL Reading Challenge is free, and it is so easy! Children receive a stamp on their pizza wheel for each book they read, and once seven books have been read they can redeem their pizza wheel for a free 333 kids’ pizza at HELL.
See Mrs Butcher to get your wheel stamped or drop it off at the library and pick up a new wheel.
Image result for image Hell pizza wheel